March #SoundWorldSounds
Sorry we’ve missed a couple of months but we’re back with a fantastic recommendation from composer and Sound World trustee Sadie Harrison – Birtwistle’s Fields of Sorrow. Click here for more.
Sorry we’ve missed a couple of months but we’re back with a fantastic recommendation from composer and Sound World trustee Sadie Harrison – Birtwistle’s Fields of Sorrow. Click here for more.
As part of our Beethoven250! celebrations we are inviting young composers (25 and under) to submit works written in response to pieces by Beethoven.
The best will be selected for performance at our annual St. George’s concert in September.
For full details please visit our Opportunities page.
Brilliant, internationally renowned percussionist and Sound World patron Dame Evelyn Glennie joins Sir James MacMillan, Roxanna Panufnik, Howard Skempton and Anna Meredith as a contributor to our Sound World Sounds recommendations page. To find out what she picked, please click here.
Howard Skempton writes about Webern’s Op.27 piano variations in the latest addition to the Sound World Sounds recommendations page. To read more please click here.
Visit our new Audio/Video page to watch last year’s performance of Sadie Harrison’s beautiful tribute to Coretta King: Coretta. With Andy Keenan, Tomáš Klement and Lionel Handy joined by gospel singer Michelle Ezigbo it’s a great performance and the perfect way to launch our Audio/Video page.
Our new features page launches this week with an interview with composer Geoff Poole. Geoff discusses all things compositional and much more here.
The second of our commissions celebrating the life and work of Martin Luther King is now available on our Audio/Video page. This beautiful performance by Tomáš Klement was at St. George’s, Bristol in September 2018. See it here.
We are delighted to welcome Anna Meredith to Sound World Sounds, our monthly recommendations page. Anna tells us about Emily Hall’s beautiful Eternity and it’s a real pleasure to pass this recommendation on to those who haven’t heard it. Also look out for Anna’s answer to the question, “If someone didn’t know the music of Anna Meredith, where should they start?”
To hear Anna’s recommendation click here and please feel free to leave a comment.
We are delighted to announce that the winner of this year’s Sound World Young Composers’ Prize is Jasper Eaglesfield. The shortlist of 3 pieces was performed by the Bristol Ensemble under John Pickard at Sunday’s Beyond The Menagerie… concert at St. George’s, Bristol.
Julian Leeks, Sound World Director said, “All of the shortlisted pieces were great and the feedback from the audience about them has been absolutely fantastic. But Jasper’s piece was really quite special and he’s a worthy winner of the competition.”
“I’m sure he’ll go on to do great things and we’ll all follow his progress with interest.”
It’s with great pleasure that we welcome Sir James MacMillan as our second contributor to our recommendations page Sound World Sounds. His choice, Martyrs – Gaelic Psalm from the islands of NW Scotland. Its extraordinary combination of the individual and the congregational has a transcendental beauty unlike anything we have ever heard before.
To hear James’ recommendation click here and please feel free to leave a comment.